Required Qualifications for Registration as REA

Section 11(1) of the Act specifies the criteria for registration.
Applicants must be EITHER:

(a). Born before the 1st January 1936, with a basic engineering training plus at least 12 years of engineering experience, including a minimum of 6 years in positions of responsibility in relation to engineering work, OR;

(b). Hold a NZ Certificate of Engineering or a First Class Marine Engineer's Certificate or an equivalent qualification approved by the Board. The minimum engineering experience comprises a basic engineering training plus at least 6 years of engineering experience, including 1 year in positions of responsibility in relation to engineering work, (ie around 10 years engineering experience), OR;

(c). Have a basic engineering training, plus at least 12 years of engineering experience including a minimum of 6 years in positions of responsibility in relation to engineering work. An applicant in this (c) group will be requested to submit a written statement of at least 4,000 words demonstrating an expert knowledge on an engineering topic approved by the Board.

Registration under (a) was for persons who in their younger days did not have the opportunity to carry their education to the standard expected and required today, but have, by experience and ability in industry, attained positions of high responsibility in the engineering field.

For registration under (c), applicants must satisfy the Board that they have achieved a standard of knowledge and experience warranting registration. Further information on these requirements is provided in the registration pack.

'Responsibility' is the extent to which an applicant carries the responsibility for personal decisions and the actions of others. This could apply to solving technical problems, technical management, engineering design, or be related to education and research. The Board is the sole judge of "adequate responsibility" for registration.

To maintain and improve the quality of technical engineers within the engineering industry, the Board considers the formal recognition of technical academic qualifications, the related technical training, and the competency advances of technical engineers through experiential development. The Board utilises a peer review method for ascertaining competency and proficiency of candidates.

REA Registration

The “REA Registration Information & Guidelines for Applicants” pack, along with application and work history forms, are now available from this website. The pack includes more details about the Act and the Board, instructions for applications, other associated documents and information on the applicable fees.

A booklet version of the “REA Registration Information & Guidelines for Applicants” pack and the relevant forms can also be obtained by providing your postal address to the Registrar by e-mail, telephone, letter or fax:

The Registrar
Engineering Associates Registration Board
P O Box 12 011
Wellington 6144

Tel: (04) 472 3324
Fax: (04) 472 3323

Application forms include a declaration which must be signed by the applicant and witnessed by a person authorised to take statutory declarations. Only signed application forms will be accepted. Electronic or scanned copies will not be accepted.

Use of the original forms to confirm work history is optional, however, whatever format the work history takes must be signed by the person providing confirmation. Only signed work histories will be accepted. Electronic or scanned copies will not be accepted.

Completed applications, all work histories and the fee must be received by the Registrar at least one month prior to the next scheduled Board Meeting to be considered.

Please refer to the News page for the next scheduled Board meeting date.

Following registration the words "Registered Engineering Associate" or the post nominal letters “REA" may be used with registrant's name on business cards, correspondence, websites etc. The Certificate of Registration which is sent to successful applicants may also be displayed.

How to Apply for Registration as an Engineering Associate

Applications for registration as a Registered Engineering Associate must be in writing and on the prescribed forms – electronic applications are not accepted.
Your application for registration MUST include:

  • The prescribed Application Form which is completed as a Statutory Declaration
  • Copies of certificates for academic and technical qualifications
  • Copies* of any certificates relating to experience or responsibility
  • Two recent character references
  • An "Experience History" detailing your engineering work experience and positions of responsibility. Your CV will be acceptable for this, providing it provides adequate detail
  • Confirmation from persons able to confirm the details in your 'Experience History'
  • The prescribed fee

* Note – Copies of these certificates must be "certified copies of the original"

Schedule of Fees

REA Fees

Effective from 1 April 2022, the Engineering Associates Fees Amendment Regulations 2022 are (incl GST):

For an application for registration $150
For annual registration $200

REAcap fees (including GST) from 1 April 2023 (Not within regulated REA fees above)

REAcap Application Date Application Fee Annual Fee
Within 1 year from initial REA No Charge $100 due 1 April following REAcap
REA registered earlier $110.00 $100 due 1 April following REAcap
CPEngNZ – current $60.00 $100 due 1 April following REAcap

Bank Account Number

The Board’s bank account number is 020 585 0003513 00
For payments from overseas bank accounts use the Swift Code BKNZNZ22 and the Clearing Code (if required) NZ020585
The bank address is Bank of New Zealand, North End Store, 100 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, New Zealand